Self-driving buses

for Forum Virum Helsinki, Gjesdal Municipality, Helmond Municipality

In Ålgård, outside Stavanger, self-driving buses are operating on the roads. Halogen was involved in shaping this brand new transport service.

Alexander Enoksen

Self-driving buses

for Forum Virum Helsinki, Gjesdal Municipality, Helmond Municipality

In Ålgård, outside Stavanger, self-driving buses are operating on the roads. Halogen was involved in shaping this brand new transport service.

Alexander Enoksen

Self-driving buses

for Forum Virum Helsinki, Gjesdal Municipality, Helmond Municipality

In Ålgård, outside Stavanger, self-driving buses are operating on the roads. Halogen was involved in shaping this brand new transport service.

Alexander Enoksen

What does it take for passengers to trust that an autonomous bus can drive from calm, rural areas to congested urban environments?

This was one of the questions Halogen addressed in the FABULOS project—a research initiative funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme.

Photo: Alexander Enoksen

A town with limited public transport options

Together with Mobility Forus, Spare Labs, and Rambøll, Halogen launched a public transport service consisting of two self-driving buses. The buses transported passengers from Ålgård centre to the swimming area at Fjermestadvannet—a region in Gjesdal municipality with limited public transport options.

"I have had positive feedback about how welcoming the autonomous buses look."

Frode Fjeldsbø, Mayor of Gjesdal Municipality

Extra excitement for young travellers

Halogen facilitated the process from start to finish, contributing insights on concept development, consulting, graphic design, and web design. We also designed the key touchpoints between the residents and the buses. The goal was to create a positive and inclusive experience for the community in general, and especially for the younger generations.

Photo: Alexander Enoksen

The self-driving buses were integrated into the travel planning tools Entur and Kolumbus, becoming a full-fledged part of the public transport offering.

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Gunnar Bothner-By

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