Playbook for systemic innovation

Mindsets and methods for transformation



This playbook emerged in response to a complex challenge: We need new ways of thinking about innovation.

Our contribution is a fusion between mindsets from ecosystem innovation and our experience with working with systemic design. The result is a process that can leverage an organizations’ ability to be part of large scale transformation.

The playbook is a collaboration between Halogen, Demos Helsinki and Future Fit Leadership Academy. Here we present our insights as a collection of mindsets and methods for bold, systemic transformation.

Transformation is possible

All sectors of society are under pressure and organisations are searching for new ways of working and solving sustainable challenges. Business as usual is hard enough as it is, and introducing new business models, new competences and new forms of collaboration can seem almost impossible. But it is possible.

This playbook is a practical guide that will help you take on systemic challenges. The framework is meant for organisations that acknowledge ecosystems and are open to evolve together with other organisations based on a common purpose. The motivation for each member can be different, but the challenge they are solving unites them.

Theories, methodology and approaches presented in this playbook were tried out in pilots carried out in parallel with developing the framework. This gives the playbook a grounded and practical approach. The step by step layout in sections breaks the approach into comprehensible and doable actions.

This playbook’s methodology is based on:

  • Systemic design

  • Systems theory

  • Transformative innovation

  • Ecosystem innovation

  • Foresight

  • Regenerative leadership

Five mindsets of systemic transformation

In this methodology we aim at regenerative transformations. We are not only sustainable in our actions: we aim to go beyond stopping negative impacts and instead shift to having a net positive impact, generating more than we exploit. Truly regenerative leadership also includes the social dimension, regenerating value and quality of life for humans as part of the ecosystem.

Systemic challenges are typically complex, interconnected and involve many stakeholders. This requires a systemic mindset. In addition, ecosystem innovation supports us to tackle challenges from different perspectives. Ecosystems are like living organisms, consisting of people and organisations working together towards a common purpose.

The design driven transformative approach has five mindsets:

  • Establish a systemic and regenerative mindset.

  • Defining the challenges and understanding the system.

  • Envisioning a new future as a regenerative system.

  • Activate the ecosystem in demonstrators to prototype new solutions.

  • Manage an innovation portfolio to see the new system emerging.

Click below to get to know the five different mindsets of the playbook: