SISAM is a communication system used by the Armed Forces to maintain control over Norway’s airspace. It is used for communication with aircraft and helicopters, and between civilian and military units within total defence. It provides secure communication across various classification levels, and a key part of the system has been developed by Thales Norway AS (TNOR) with support from Halogen.

Ambitions for growth in the sector
Thales Norway provides technology to the Armed Forces for secure and efficient communication in military operations. They develop and supply equipment, systems, and services that ensure secure communication and protection of classified information. The company has over 100 years of experience in industrial operations in Norway and has been a trusted partner and supplier to the Armed Forces since the 1950s.
In 2020, Thales Norway and Halogen established a strategic partnership aimed at supporting their growth ambitions.
In November of the same year, Thales Norway signed a contract with the Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency (FMA) for the upgrade of SISAM. The technology was developed in a research and development collaboration with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI), the Armed Forces, and Defense Materiel (FMA). NATO has also chosen the Norwegian-developed solution, and it is now installed in all NATO airspace surveillance operations centres.
User-centred approach
To ensure user-friendliness and enhanced operational capability, the user was the focus during the SISAM upgrade. Halogen assisted by leading user studies and analysis work in the insight phase, laying the groundwork for the user-centred development of the new SISAM. Users were then involved in an iterative process to refine the design.
As a continuous theme throughout the collaboration, Halogen developed a design DNA for Thales Norway. This describes how Thales Norway's identity should be expressed to customers, users, and partners. The design DNA work included creating text and images that build the desired experience for those that see them.
The user interface for SISAM laid the foundation for an expanded design system for the graphical user interface, which Halogen is now developing for Thales Norway.
Halogen is also involved in strategic processes with Thales Norway. This includes forming a picture of the Armed Forces' needs for crypto technology, as well as mapping and understanding future needs for solutions, expertise, and preparedness.
Andreas Myskja Lien
Head of operations studio